Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Santa Fe Lodge #2
About Us
Odd Fellows Mission
Comfort the Sick
Bury the Dead
Educate the Orphan
The command of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows is to "visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead and educate the orphan".
IOOF has stated the following purposes: To improve and elevate the character of mankind by promoting the principles of friendship, love, truth, faith, hope, charity and universal justice.
Santa Fe Lodge #2 has chosen to follow this mission by providing Music in the Public Schools. Starting in 1997 we have raised money to provide music teachers, instruments, sheet music etc for Santa Fe public schools. At this point we're proud to say, Santa Fe has one of the best music programs in the USA. If you'd like to read more about our Music in the Public Schools, click on the link below.
One of the events the Lodge holds every year is a dinner at the hall for all the Santa Fe Music Teachers and their Administrators. It's exciting and moving for us to hear about the teachers' experiences. And we especially love to see the music teachers from all Santa Fe get together, chat and share notes which they don't normally get to do.
Odd Fellows History
A Brief History of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in the United States
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) is a global altruistic and benevolent fraternal organization derived from the British Oddfellows service organizations of the 18th century. The Independent Order of Odd Fellows was founded in North America in Baltimore in 1819 when members of the Order from England instituted the first Lodge in Baltimore at the Seven Stars Tavern. Odd Fellows Lodges prospered and eventually were found in virtually every town in the US as well as countries across the globe.
Originally only men could be Odd Fellows. Women have an auxiliary organization called The Rebekahs. However in 2000 first Australia and then the US allowed women to join the Odd Fellows. All the Santa Fe Rebekahs joined the ranks of the Odd Fellows at that time.
Where does the name "Odd Fellows" come from? Most of the origin stories we have heard have turned out to be apocryphal. The most likely is that it was considered odd for an organization to pursue projects for the benefit of all mankind. It was also odd that a lodge should open its doors to the working class who in the 18th century did not ordinarily belong to fraternal orders.
The Order has a "Triple Links" logo – three links contain the letters F, L & T (Friendship, Love and Truth). You'll see this logo on the back wall of our hall and on our sign.
Odd Fellows Cemetery
Odd Fellows lodges in the US generally have a cemetery attached to them. Here are some photos of Santa Fe Lodge #2's cemetery which is adjacent to the hall. Some of the graves date back to the 1800's.
If you would like information about the New Mexico State Organizations: Odd Fellows' Grand Lodge and Rebekahs' Rebekah Assembly, click below.